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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Schema SYS RT inconsistent in SAP HANA

Schema : _SYS_RT inconsistent

Please use below query to check consistency Status for the  _SYS_RT schema .

select * from _SYS_REPO.SCHEMAVERSION where SCHEMA_TYPE ='rt';


Note-  If  the flag IS_CONSISTENT is Zero ,it means schema is inconsistent.

SAP HANA Upgrade Process

Step 1- Download the Software with Server / Client .

Step 2- Unzip using SAPCAR
./SAPCAR -xvf SAP_HANA_DATABASE100_102_05_Linux_on_x86_64.SAR
./SAPCAR -xvf SAP_HANA_CLIENT100_102_05_Linux_on_x86_64.SAR

Step 3- Before starting check ADM and the System User Password with the KEY as well .it should work.

Step 4- Start Upgrade. (Login As root user than start)

./hdbupd -s SID -p Password --system_user_password=Password -ignore=check_plugin_dependencies -b 

SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - Database Upgrade

Summary before execution:
   SAP HANA System ID: SID
   Database User Name: SYSTEM

Checking upgrade...
Checking installation...
Extracting software...
Updating package 'Saphostagent Setup'...
Updating package 'Python Support'...
Updating package 'Python Runtime'...
Updating package 'Product Manifest'...
Updating package 'Binaries'...
Updating package 'Installer'...
Updating package 'Ini Files'...
Updating package 'HWCCT'...
Updating package 'Emergency Support Package'...
Updating package 'EPM'...
Updating package 'Documentation'...
Updating package 'Delivery Units'...
Updating package 'DAT Languages'...
Updating package 'DAT Configfiles'...
Stopping system...
Stopping 7 processes on host 'HOST_NAME':
    Stopping on 'HOST_NAME': hdbcompileserver, hdbdaemon, hdbindexserver, hdbnameserver, hdbpreprocessor, hdbwebdispatcher, hdbxsengine
  All server processes stopped on host 'HOST_NAME'.
  hdbparam: Working configuration directory:  "xyz/usr/sap/SID/global/hdb/custom/config"
Starting service (sapstartsrv)...
Starting system...
Starting 1 process on host 'HOST_NAME':
    Starting on 'HOST_NAME': hdbdaemon
Starting 7 processes on host 'HOST_NAME':
    Starting on 'HOST_NAME': hdbcompileserver, hdbdaemon, hdbindexserver, hdbnameserver, hdbpreprocessor, hdbwebdispatcher, hdbxsengine
    Starting on 'HOST_NAME': hdbcompileserver, hdbdaemon, hdbindexserver, hdbpreprocessor, hdbwebdispatcher, hdbxsengine
    Starting on 'HOST_NAME': hdbcompileserver, hdbdaemon, hdbindexserver, hdbwebdispatcher, hdbxsengine
    Starting on 'HOST_NAME': hdbdaemon, hdbindexserver, hdbwebdispatcher, hdbxsengine
    Starting on 'HOST_NAME': hdbdaemon, hdbwebdispatcher, hdbxsengine
    Starting on 'HOST_NAME': hdbdaemon, hdbwebdispatcher
  All server processes started on host 'HOST_NAME'.
Importing delivery units...
Importing delivery unit
Importing delivery unit
Importing delivery unit
Importing delivery unit
Importing delivery unit
Importing delivery unit
Importing delivery unit
Upgrade done
Log file written to 'xyz/var/tmp/hdb_SID_upgrade_2016-06-10_03.44.37/hdbupd.log' on host 'HOST_NAME'.

Importing Delivery Units Failed in HANA

Symptom : During the installation or upgrade of HANA, you encounter issues in the step "Importing Delivery Units".

With revision 45 and newer the following messages appear in the log:
Importing delivery units...
ERR: Upgrade failed
ERR:   error upgrading
ERR:     Import of delivery units failed
ERR:       Cannot import delivery

Starting with revision 46 an upgrade will not fail but return the exit code 2 and print the following message:
# Problems occurred while importing delivery units (content).

Solution  : Importing the delivery units is the last step in both installation and upgrade. If this fails your system will still be up and running.

Unless you are using HANA XS features fixing the import issues is not mandatory.If you are using the system to develop or run HANA XS applications, try to solve these issues by repeating the import of the affected delivery units.

To get SAP Hana delivery units consistent it is not sufficient to start SAP Hana upgrade process (by hdbupd or hdblcm) again.

Delivery Units Detail and Location:

HDB:SIDadm:  xyz/usr/sap/SID/global/hdb/auto_content 82> ls -latr

------------------- Importing Delivery Unit Manually ------------------------

regi import  Delivery _Unit_Name  --key=WW

regi import ADMIN.tgz --key=WW

Rowstore Table Corruption

Possible Rowstore Table Corruption When Continuous Page Flush is Enabled:


1- SAP HANA database Revision 120 - 122.03
2- Continuous page flush is enabled
  (parameter global.ini -> [persistence] -> continuous_flush_interval_s> 0).
   In SAP HANA database SPS12 continuous page flush is enabled by default, even if the parameter      is not explicitly set Slow disk IO will increase the likelihood to run into this problem


Disable continuous page flush to prevent future corruptions by running the following SQL command:

ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ('global.ini', 'system') SET ('persistence','continuous_flush_interval_s') = '0' WITH RECONFIGURE;

To revert back -

ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ('global.ini', 'system') UNSET ('persistence', 'continuous_flush_interval_s') WITH RECONFIGURE; 

Note - Default Value is continuous_flush_interval_s > 0 .You have to set = 0 to disable.