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Friday, December 11, 2015

OOM Issue on Statistics Server in Hana

Workaround for Out of memory on statistics server if procedure (set_retention_days) will not work:-

Steps to remove the older data from statistics server:

1) prepare all the delete statements (e.g. by checking the ini-parameters)
2) increase limit to 30%  and restart HANA
3) run the delete statements
4) verify it really deleted
5) decrease limit to whatever makes sense now (e.g. 10% or lower)
6) restart hana

Step 1:- Find the bigger tables in (_SYS_STATISTICS).

select * from m_cs_tables where schema_name = '_SYS_STATISTICS' order by estimated_max_memory_size_in_total desc;

Step 2:- Find the delete statements.

select * from m_inifile_contents where section = 'statisticsserver_sqlcommands' and value like 'delete from%'


In studio->Configuration->search with (delete)-> Copy all delete statements.

Step 3:-

Increase the allocation limit 30%

Step 4:-

Restart the hana database.

Step 5:-

Run the delete statements.

Step 6:-

Verify the delete statements.

select min (snapshot_id ) from _SYS_STATISTICS.GLOBAL_DISKS

Step 7:-

Decrease limit to back 10% or 15%.

SAP NOTE:- 1929538

delete from _sys_statistics.' || cur.table_name;
   l_alter_sys := l_alter_sys ||  ' where server_timestamp < add_days(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,-' || :l_retention_days || ')''';

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